Friday, December 6, 2013

Cookie The Poodle page!

A new page is up love and it's called "Cookie The Poodle"! This is. Page devoted to my pup! She is a doll and the world needs to see it! She is 
loving, funny and a very happy dog! Http:// 
Have a PEEKY! Enjoy! 


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I got Rhythm, I got music!

So, in the last month, or so, I have been busy writing reviews, not just for one mag, but two. Punk Globe and Smash Mag, and there is much more to come. I got lots coming! Hang on! The links will be posted in a bit, right now, I got things flying all over the place and I will be posting more good news soon, involving my own sound and lots of tidbits to come! 

Though, I have attended grad school in the last few months, it has been a challenge,because I am getting interviewed in various different places on the web and elsewhere. There is lots more coming... 
The Gypsy Poet.. DELIVERS.... 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wheeling & Dealing

I've been working with Punk Globe on new stuff, plus, an interview.
Lots to come. Just keeping busy. Worries on my mind, though that
I can't make public, now. I will be back, soon.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The Love, The Metamorphosis, The Truth... Resurrection.

To my surprise and greatest honor, The Gypsy Poet's articles are featured in the September issue of Punk Globe and they have their greatest features yet! One of them is the one and only Metallica!
This coming September, their feature is going into Punk Globe Magazine and this for me, is a thrill--
I have to admit, their music is a guilty pleasure in the sense that it is dark and focuses on the more Gothic emotions.  I have come to find that there is a contrast in The Gypsy Poet. She is shadows and light--
The concept of positivity is about taking the bad, and channeling for the good. I have always done that--
And It's going to get noticed. Don't feed into fears... because that only gets you into the negative--
I am what I am. I've always been positive. No matter what has been said, or done. I will come out on the top--everything will be shown... and things will be done in a way that no one has ever seen before...

The Gypsy Poet, is not a negative woman. She is for real, she is sexy, feisty, funny and riveting, and I intend to keep her that way forever. She is my source of happiness, as is the man the Archangel Gabriel sent me... I will no longer give into fear, for I am The Gypsy Poet, and I am here to stay--

Punk Globe skyrocketed my confidence, made my dreams happen. I appear in issues with Blondie, and Now, Metallica. The dream is set, and the dream is no longer broken. The dream is mine for the asking, and all pain will cease....

My love shines-- and it will be seen by the world, through the world...

*S* <3

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Newest issue of Punk Globe Releases Fish Karma & More!

So, Punk Globe Magazine just released their newest article with my review on it...
I reviewed the hilariously talented Fish Karma and it is an instant success!
Nothing like it! Rich in rock form and lots of delectable satires approaching
American culture and problems with humor and laughter, every moment.
Very much of art imitating life, or the other way around. It's an extremely
good album and it takes you through the American experience in a very
funny way. I love it!
Fish Karma Review in Punk Globe By The Gypsy Poet
This is by far, some of the best and solid work I have ever done in
a magazine and I am proud to show it. The album, Lethal Fairy Tales
by Fish Karma is available on iTunes and Amazon. Congratulations
to an amazing group of guys with a sense of musicality, artistic
endeavors and incredibly funny antics.

The next magazine coming up, will be Fjords Review and I am
happy to announce that I will be reviewing books for them as well
as writing poetry for their magazine. It's something I am looking forward
to doing and hope that they enjoy my work, as much as I enjoy writing for them.
The best part of writing for magazines is that I never get tired of my writing...
And There will be the best coming up and soon!

Love to you all and thanks for supporting me!

*S*-- TGP...

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


In the coming weeks, I am going to be writing for a magazine called Fjords Review 
and they are eager to have me review publications for them in the coming months
and I am a staple at Punk Globe, as well. In August, the month will be rockin' because
these two magazines will get a taste of my work in detail. So, it's making progress!
I love my work, I love what I do-- and if you don't like it, you know what to suck...

I've worked everything from the ground up to where I go, and you get to join the ride.
The best thing that's ever happened to me is writing for mags... so far, so good--
Like Bryan Adams says, "We can't stop this thing we started"--- and I won't, either...
Book signings to come! More poetry to share... and lots more fun along the way to have!

*S* TGP.... ;)

Monday, July 1, 2013

Ladies & Gentlemen, PUNK GLOBE MAGAZINE!

So, the last month was great because my tale was published in Punk Globe Magazine and it debuted at No. 1! Yes, what a blessing, right? Well, it turns out, my writing reached a wider audience and I am blessed enough to see that I got the big guns to write for magazines. Gypsy Poet Radio has some serious doors and I am making my way to knock down any bastard that gets in my way of being what I know I can be. I do things on my own terms, and I am not going to take ANY guff from anybody, no matter how belittling and assholeque their attitude may be.

The month of August, I am working my way to make more reviews for this mag to really make it rock. My first review will be of the hilarious Fish Karma, who is also a former guest on GPR. I want their readership to go up and up and UP! It's rockin' it's rollin' and I am bitch enough to make it GO!

Honestly, I fell in love with Punk Globe because of its attitude, its incredible resilience and it has lasted for as long as I am alive! Not even George, a political magazine lasted that long, when JFK, Jr. was the editor of it in the Mid-1990s.  Yeah, I'm not that old, just studied enough to keep up with the world around me...

The whole point is, I am starting to work my way in magazines which makes me a happy camper... Punk Globe is THE greatest starting point and I am going to make full use of it... I rock, and I know it...
The mojo is running and I am going down the line of Route 66...

It's rockin'! Join me for the ride... I know it's a blast!

*S*-- TGP--